With a wide experience of the postal regulation as well as a strong background of the airline regulatory environment, our team is at your service to fully understand the forecoming impacts on the regulatory changes which will occur in the next coming years. The need of electronic advanced declaration and the upcoming ICS2 regulation for mail will rise new challenges for the industry stakeholders. These last will need to assess as soon as they can the regulatory frame of their activites to remain competitive and sustainable on the e-commerce market.


Our wide experience in the post and airline industry enable us to provide IT and EDI services, from auditing your practices against the latest standards to supplying with our partner Airmail Data some easy to implement solutions to boost your operational efficiency and your customer satisfaction for any activity related to the leg 2, i.e. the international transport link in the end to end mail value chain.


Carrying mail is not an easy task. It represents 20% of the total cost of the end to end mail value chain and 80% of the root causes of non quality. However, solutions exist to increase the customer satisfaction by bringing more reliability and efficiency on the leg 2 operations. With a deep knowledge of the air cargo market, we can assist posts and airlines by providing key skills to understand, monitor and comply with the customers expectations.


Should it belong to a post or a ground handling agent, an airmail unit needs to get organized and trained to offer premium services and to support the efficiency of the mail supply chain, both for inbound and outbound flows. We’ve got a wide airport expertise and know that an airmail unit is the crossroad between the postal and the airline environments.